March 12, 2025


Progressive News & Creative Magazine

Activities to Fill Spare Time During Ramadan

Activities to Fill Spare Time During Ramadan

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Ramadan is a month full of purity and glory. All Muslims in the world must carry out positive activities during Ramadan. These activities, of course, are beneficial for us and others. Positive activities will certainly generate a lot of rewards. There are still many positive activities that we can do at home, although this year’s Ramadan we have many trials.

If you feel bored at home, you can do activities outside the home. You can do activities in the yard. We can create our own positive activities during the month of Ramadan. These activities can be done without being far from home. Here are all things you can do during quarantine.

1. Schedule and read the Holy Qur’an

Activities to Fill Spare Time During Ramadan
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Reading the Holy Qur’an is one of the positive activities that will surely result in reward. From Ibn Abbas, that the Messenger of Allah said: “You should read the Qur’an, so that it will be a light for you on earth and remember you in the sky.” The reward of reading the Qur’an in the month of Ramadan is that it will be a light in the sky and seen by Allah so that he will receive protection and safety from Allah.

2. Listen to cleric

Activities to Fill Spare Time During Ramadan
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Listening to cleric is also one of the positive activities that will benefit us. By listening to cleric, our knowledge of religion will increase, and that is a good thing.

3. Read a book about Islamic history

Similar to listening to cleric, reading books on the history of Islam will also add more knowledge, and increase the reward.

4. Sports

Activities to Fill Spare Time During Ramadan
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Apart from matters relating to religion, sports are also needed during quarantine periods like this. Exercise will maintain health, endurance, and keep the body in good condition.

[tw-button size=”medium” background=”” color=”blue” target=”_blank” link=””]Author: Erika Juana Putri[/tw-button] [tw-button size=”medium” background=”” color=”blue” target=”_blank” link=””]Editor: Maulani Mulianingsih[/tw-button]

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