I’m Sorry, Goodbye

Sumber foto: Pinterest
Close the door
It’s too cold for you
Even you wear a blanket
Hello, you know my name?
I’m Charlie, and nice too meet you
The day that I apologize
For leaving without permision
I’m sorry,
I don’t know how to say goodbye
I scared that I will hurt you
Even I know I will
You cry over the night,
And until now,
I know I know you still love me
I am sorry for all of the mistake
I’m sorry for leaving
Now I wan’t to make you feel better
Even though I know, I can’t
I just wan’t you to close the door
Don’t open it for me
I don’t wan’t you to cry anymore
I don’t wan’t to make the same feeling when I leave you
The sun can’t make you feel warm,
When you open the door for me,
Please lock the door
And throw the key
Even though I try so hard to back to you
And goodbye
[tw-button size=”medium” background=”” color=”blue” target=”_blank” link=”http://decode.uai.ac.id/?s=Nur+Syifa+Buchis”]Writer: Nur Syifa Buchis[/tw-button] [tw-button size=”medium” background=”” color=”blue” target=”_blank” link=”http://decode.uai.ac.id/?author=27″]Editor: Novia Aprilia Hermawan[/tw-button]
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